Solar energy,
a common technology but…

Until now it was not flexible, rollable, impact resistant, processable & very heavy.

This has now changed with Enfoil’s energy enabling foil!

EnFoil is a start-up company, based on the flexible PV interconnection technology of Imec, TNO and Hasselt University (Solliance). The goal of EnFoil is to enable material and product manufacturers to activate their surfaces with integrated PV to produce green energy at a competitive cost.

Bending of an enfoil solar module without breaking.
An example of and Enfoil solar module.

Unique features for a revolutionary product

  • 17% efficiency, CIGS cells, 150 Wp/m²
  • Customized shapes & specs, lengths > 10 m are possible
  • Flexible, bend radius > =10 cm

  • Lightweight, <2 kg/m²

  • <2 mm thickness

  • Fully Impact resistant, ability to walk over

  • Manufacturing : compatibility with injection molding, thermoforming, lamination , glueing

  • 50%-90% less impact on sustainability compared with silicon PV

Application Example 1

The Problem: A transport container with track & trace needs to have its battery changed each 8 days

Enfoil Solution: Equipping the container with 10 PV strips generating power to feed battery continuously. The PV strips are impact resistant and are custom made to fit between the ribs of the container roof. Pay back is less then 1 year!

picture showing Enfoil's container PV-strip
picture of a container roof with PV-strips

Application Example 2

Problem: Solar panels on a roof are not always giving a nice look to your house

Solution: Curved rooftiles with pre shaped PV foil assembled on and connections on the backside enabling more aesthetical roof look

picture of rooftile with PV-strip glued on
picture showing a roof with PV-roof tiles

Contact us

Want to invest?

Are you looking for an opportunity to invest in our innovative product?

Thor Park 8320
3600 Genk Belgium

ENFOIL proudly takes part in the Realize European project for innovative renewable energy technologies

Enfoil is a spin-off of

TNO - Innovation for life